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Speech & Language Therapy for Children
Across London and Surrounding Areas
including Kent, Essex, Sussex and Suffolk
Does Your Child:
Find it hard to say particular words?
Use shorter sentences than their peers?
Find it difficult to make friends?
Avoid eye contact?
Find it challenging to spell?
Get ‘stuck’ on words?
Find it difficult to do what you ask them to do?
Not use any words?
Find it difficult to play with others?
Repeat the same words and phrases?
If you identify any of the above list with your child, or you have any other Speech, Language and Communication concerns then we recommend you start with a Speech and Language Assessment for your child.
London Speech Therapy provides a flexible approach to Speech and Language Assessments by using a mix of formal (standardised and norm-referenced) and informal assessments to gain an accurate picture of your child’s needs. This is then used to plan effective, accessible and fun therapy for your child.
Speech and language therapy for children can take place at our Harley Street clinic (Central London); our Stratford Speech Therapy clinic (East London); at your child’s school/nursery or at your family home. We cover London and surrounding areas including Kent, Essex, Sussex and Suffolk. We also deliver assessments online via tele-therapy if we feel it would be appropriate for your child.
Why ask London Speech Therapy to help with your child’s Speech and Language Assessment?
All our Speech and Language Therapists are fully qualified with Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC) registration and membership of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT). Our therapists use evidence based therapy approaches to provide holistic, tailored therapy that is adapted to your child’s interests and needs. We work in a child centred and child led approach and use neurodiversity affirming practices within our sessions.
We recognise that some therapy approaches have limitations especially when working with neurodivergent children and we use our clinical judgement and experience to tailor therapy in a child-led way.
Our paediatric speech and language therapists are experienced in working with an extremely broad range of communication differences including but not limited to:
Speech (phonology) delay/disorder
Language delay
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
English as an additional language
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
Cleft lip and palate
Cerebral Palsy
Dysfluency (Stammering)
Selective mutism (sometimes called situational mutism)
Down’s Syndrome
Genetic disorders e.g. 22q deletion syndrome
What happens after a child’s Speech and Language Assessment?
After your child’s Speech and Language Assessment, if required, an individual course of therapy can be provided. Our paediatric speech therapists ensure that each and every Speech and Language Therapy session for children is not just fun but effective by using a range of games and fun therapy resources.
As we have extensive experience in delivering Speech, Language and Communication Therapy Sessions our approaches include:
Intensive Interaction
Talking Mats
Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) therapy approaches
Social Thinking
Parent Child Interaction
Lidcombe Therapy
Attention Autism
Colourful Semantics
Shape Coding
Solution Focused Brief Therapy
SOS Feeding
Word Aware
Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme