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Speech & LanguageTherapy in Schools
London Speech Therapy provide Speech & Language Therapy to 40+ schools across Greater London, Essex, West Sussex and Kent. This includes mainstream schools, special schools and resource bases.
London Speech Therapy advocates an integrated therapy approach; working on Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) in collaboration with the child, teachers, learning support assistants, families and other professionals.
We understand that there are different needs across each school and the impact that tightening budgets has. As such we offer a flexible approach to purchasing effective Speech & Language Therapy provision within your school’s financial constraints. This allows schools to commission us flexibly; from 1 day per month to 5 days per week. We also offer half days and bespoke packages of assessments, therapy and group interventions.
As well as offering support at a Specialist and Targeted Level our therapists will also focus on how to support the whole school at a Universal level. This includes supporting staff in implanting Quality First teaching approaches and adaptive teaching.
As well as having regular support from a Speech and Language Therapist we also offer:
Speech and Language Therapy Assistant (SLTA) support: Our SLTAs can come into school to support TAs with running groups, delivering therapy targets, modelling therapy approaches
Communication Assistant Package – specific training for your TAs to learn how to identify SLCN, administer screens, run groups, develop programmes and much more!
All of our therapists and assistants are Enhanced DBS checked, trained in Safeguarding Child Protection procedures, receive annual basic life support training and receive regular clinical supervision and continued professional development.
How Does It Work?
Our therapists work closely with Senco’s and Head teachers to ensure we are able to support the whole school as well as those children needing specialist input.
Whilst we apply our clinical judgement in all our decisions we are more than able to ‘think outside of the box’ and we don’t have restrictive guidelines as to which children we will or won’t work with.
Our time in school may be spent providing:
Screening and detailed assessments
One to one therapy (observed by a Learning Support Assistant)
Small group therapy
Whole class support (supporting staff to create a communication friendly environment)
Providing training at staff meetings and inset days as well as more formal ELKLAN training
Attending annual reviews and coffee mornings to liaise with care givers
Supporting TAs e.g. modelling activities/programmes, training, in class support
Meetings and joint sessions with parents/carers
In the school environment our Speech and Language Therapists work with pupils who have a range of Special Educational Needs including:
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Down’s Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Selective Mutism (sometimes called situational mutism)
Speech delay/disorder
Language delay
Dysfluency (stammering)
If you have any queries please contact us here to arrange a phone call to discuss your schools needs.