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Kayleigh Barr

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

Level: Specialist SLT

Kayleigh graduated from Leeds Beckett University with BSc(Hons) Speech and Language Therapy Degree in 2020.

Kayleigh has since worked in the NHS for 4 years as part of a mainstream school's team working with both primary and secondary students with a range of Speech Language and Communication Needs. Including working in multiple additional resource provisions for secondary school students with Social Communication needs, Autism and Developmental Language Disorder. As well as providing assessment/identification of Selective Mutism, Speech Sound Difficulties and Disorders, Developmental Language Disorder.

Kayleigh has a specialist interest in working with Developmental Language Disorder and social communication needs across childhood/young adulthood. Especially in supporting neuro-divergent students' preparation for adulthood and for neuro-affirming practices and approaches to be embedded in settings they access.

Kayleigh has been trained in and has experience in delivering the following interventions: Makaton, Attention Autism, Colourful Semantics, Shape Coding, Word aware, Supporting Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs in Adolescence, and Zones of regulation.

Specialist Interests

  • Secondary School

  • Autism

  • DLD